Women's Voices Conference 2024: Creating Bold Space

Women's Voices Conference 2024: Creating Bold Space
October 12, 2024

Women’s Voices 2024: Creating Bold Spaces

Women’s rights are under attack around the world, according to Human Rights Watch[1].  What might the Christian faith have to say about this growing oppression? How might we read the Bible liberatively? This conference examines ways of creating spaces where women can speak boldly about their experiences and their bodies. For the past decade, the Women’s Voices conference has addressed such issues. In 2024, we move to the Luther King Centre in Manchester, which itself is inspired by Martin Luther King’s vision of equality and justice.

When: Saturday 12th October 2024, 10:00-16:00.
Cost: £30 including 2 course lunch.
Speakers: Lisa Isherwood, Karen O’Donnell, Kate Bruce, Liz Shercliff.
Transport: LKC is within easy reach of the centre of Manchester by bus or on foot. There is on site and on street parking available free of charge.
Accommodation: Luther King House offers bed and breakfast accommodation at reasonable prices, and Manchester’s famous curry mile is a ten-minute walk away.

A booking form is available here. Once you have booked, payment will be requested.

[1] https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/06/taliban-and-global-backlash-against-womens-rights#:~:text=Beyond%20Afghanistan%2C%20communities%20face%20a,the%20world%20remain%20in%20crisis.

Prof Lisa Isherwood, Is Professor of Feminist Liberation Theologies at University of Wales, Trinity St David, UK. As a Feminist liberation Theologian and as a liberation theologian she believes theology to be a communal project fuelled by notions of radical equality and empowered by divine companionship. Her work explores the nature of incarnation within contemporary contexts and includes such areas as the body, gender, sexuality and eco-theology. She has written, co-authored or edited 27 books and written numerous articles. She is an Executive Editor of the international journal ‘Feminist Theology’ [Sage] and sits on the international editorial board of the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion(USA). In 2010 she was Vice President of the European Society of Women in Theological Research.

Talk title: Queering the Body of Christ.

Dr Karen O'Donnell is the Academic Dean at Westcott House and Associate Lecturer in Gender and Theology at Cambridge University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of the body and theology, and particularly in the experience of trauma. Karen is especially interested in the impact trauma has on theology and her work is constructive in nature. Karen's recent publications include: "The Dark Womb: Reconceiving Theology through Reproductive Loss" (SCM Press, 2022). She has recently published an edited collection (with Claire Williams) titled "Theologies from the Inside Out: Critical Conceptions of Pregnancy and Childbirth" (SCM Press, 2024) and her new book (out very soon!) is a monograph titled "Survival: Radical Spiritual Practices for Trauma Survivors" (SCM Press, 2024). She is the Series Editor of Studies in Trauma Theology with SCM Press and the founder of the Feminist Theology Network.

Talk title: Creating Brave Theological Spaces

Kate Bruce is an Anglican priest, RAF chaplain and occasional stand-up comedian. She has authored and co-authored several books on preaching and contributed to a variety of collections of sermons and daily reflections. Most recently she has written, with Liz Shercliff, Out of the Shadows, a two-volume collection of studies on Bible women. Her PhD research was in preaching. Her other writing includes Igniting the Heart and Wrestling with the Word. Kate is a regular speaker at Women’s Voices.

Talk Title: Creating Bold Readings

Liz Shercliff lead chaplaincy programmes at the Luther King Centre and teaches Ethics, New Testament, Leadership and chaplaincy modules. She has recently completed research into women’s experiences of training to preach and training for ministry. Her doctoral research was into women’s experiences of training in the Church of England. She founded the Women’s Voices conference in 2014. The conference celebrated 10 years in 2023 and moves to the Luther King Centre for the first time this year. Liz’s publications include Out of the Shadows with Kate Bruce, The Present Preacher with Matt Allen, and Preaching Women: Gender, Power and the Pulpit.

Talk title: Hurting and Abandoned

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash

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