Now Available Online - The David Goodbourn Lecture: Dr Isabel Apowo Phiri

Now Available Online - The David Goodbourn Lecture: Dr Isabel Apowo Phiri
November 8, 2021

The David Goodbourn Lecture was given by Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri on the theme of

‘Ecumenical leadership and a holistic approach to social justice: Learning from the educator-ecumenist David Goodbourn’.

This lecture explores what we can learn from David Goodbourn as an educator-ecumenist about overcoming racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia in the academy and the community.

Dr Isabel Awapo Phiri is an academic and professor within the field of African Theology and is part of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians. She is Deputy General Secretary for Public Witness at the WCC.

This webinar was hosted by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) on behalf of the Centre for Theology and Justice, a partnership of Christian Aid, CTBI, Luther King Centre and Church Action on Poverty. 

The lecture was be held online on Monday 1 November at 19.30 and is now available to watch on Youtube.

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