The Revd Dr Clara Rushbrook

Tutor in Theology and Church History

Clara Rushbrook is Co-Principal of Northern Baptist College and teaches Christian theology and Church history. She enjoys teaching contemporary and contextual theologies and has particular interests in intersectionality and embodied theologies such as feminist, womanist, eco and Queer theologies. She is a Baptist minister and Team Leader with Urban Expression and has served for many years in urban, vibrant and multi-cultural communities. She is a published author and a long standing writer for various Christian charities producing worship materials, Bible study notes and magazine articles.


McBeath, C. (2011). A further-education college. In M. Threlfall-Holmes & M. Newitt (Eds.), Bring a Chaplain(pp.21-23). London: SPCK.

McBeath, C. (2008). Sanctuary and liminality: Stories reflections and liturgy exploring the blurred encounters between mental health and illness as an inner-city church. In J. Reader & C. Baker (Eds), Entering the new Theological space: Blurred encounters of faith, politics and community. Surrey: Ashgate.

McBeath, C. & Presswood, T. (2006). Crumbs of hope: Prayers from the city. Peterborough: Inspire.  

McBeath, C. (2005). ‘B of the bang’ – post games musings. Crucible, October- December 2005.
